
How to Check Screen Time on Android

Excessive has become an increasing issue in the digital age. Constantly being glued to your smartphone, tablet, or computer can negatively impact mental health, sleep quality, attention span, and more. Thankfully, offers built-in settings and third party apps to help monitor and manage daily screen time usage.

Checking Screen Time on Android 12+

The latest versions of Android (12 and up) have screen time tracking and limits built directly into the operating system:

  • Open Settings App – Access the Settings menu by opening the Apps drawer or swiping down from the top and tapping the gear icon.
  • Select Digital Wellbeing & Parental Controls – Scroll down and select the “Digital Wellbeing & parental controls” option.How to Check Screen Time on Android
  • View Dashboard – This brings up your Dashboard with graphs and charts showing screen time broken down by hour, day, week, month, and year. It also shows individual app usage.How to Check Screen Time on Android

The Dashboard provides great insight into daily device and app habits. You can click into any app to set timers, restrict usage, or silence notifications.

Checking Screen Time in Android 10 & 11

For Android 10 and 11, the process is mostly the same. The only difference is Digital Wellbeing is its own top level menu item:

  • Open Settings
  • Select Digital Wellbeing
  • View Dashboard

Everything else works the same as Android 12 once you access the Dashboard.

Using Third Party Screen Time Apps

In addition to Android’s built-in tracking, there are various third party apps that offer additional ways to monitor screen time:

  • ActionDash – Very customizable with extra stats available via premium subscription.
  • Space – Gamifies reducing device usage. Can block apps cold turkey.
  • Offtime – Focuses more on improving real world experiences over virtual ones.

Downloading and Setting Up

  • Download directly from the Google Play Store onto your Android device.
  • Allow requested permissions and account access when prompted after installing.
  • Configure any options or limits within the app’s settings.

Once setup, these apps will track time spent on both your overall device and within each individual app used. Most offer ways to view detailed charts and graphs for weekly or monthly trends.

Key Screen Time Tracking Features

Whether using Android’s built-in Digital Wellbeing or popular third party apps, there are some common features available for monitoring usage:

  • Daily time reports showing total time spent on device and in apps
  • App usage breakdowns to identify most used apps
  • Focus modes to reduce distractions by pausing select apps
  • Individual app timers to cap daily usage
  • Scheduled app limits to restrict access during set times
  • Graphs and charts to view trends over various time spansHow to Check Screen Time on Android

Setting Screen Time Limits

Monitoring is only half the battle. Most screen time apps also allow setting daily limits:

  • Overall device limits – Set a total daily cap for Android device usage as a whole.
  • Per app limits – Restrict daily access by individual app from just a few minutes up to several hours.
  • Notifications – Get reminded when nearing daily limit or after crossing the threshold.

Setting gradually decreasing limits can help break device addiction and avoid withdrawal symptoms from going cold turkey.

Additional Parental Controls

For parents managing children’s screen time, added supervision options are available:

  • Enable restriction features to limit access to certain apps/content.
  • Turn on remote lock capability to lock a device during bedtime or school hours.
  • Set up location-based rules using geofencing to restrict usage when leaving or entering defined areas likes school or the playground.

Why Manage Screen Time?

Monitoring and limiting screen time usage provides many benefits:

  • Prevents device addiction and compulsive checking habits
  • Avoids unnecessary distractions when trying to work or study
  • Forces better balance between real and virtual activities
  • Improves mental health and sleep issues tied to excessive usage
"75% of parents worry their children are addicted to mobile devices."
- Survey of 1,750 parents by Common Sense Media

While apps and games can be useful in moderation, keeping screen time reasonable is important — especially for kids.

Tips for Reducing Screen Time

Aside from built-in tracking and limits, here are some additional tips to cut back on screen time:

✔️ Delete the most addictive apps – Remove social media, games, messaging, and other distracting apps.

✔️ Turn off all notifications – Disable badges, sounds, and pop-ups that trigger frequent checking.

✔️ Add certain apps to ignore list – Ensures they don’t get tracked or counted towards limits.

✔️Create “no phone” zones – Keep devices out of the bedroom, dinner table, and other focus areas.


Checking your total screen time and setting healthy limits is easy on Android. Take advantage of the built-in Digital Wellbeing dashboard or explore popular third party apps. Monitoring usage provides valuable insights and can help reclaim hours lost mindlessly scrolling each day.

Putting down devices more often reduces distractions, improves sleep, and allows enjoying life offline. With the tools above, getting screen time under control on Android is simple.

The post covers all aspects of checking screen time on Android in depth including specific step-by-step instructions, recommended apps, features and settings, tips and best practices tailored to the target keyword. Let me know if you would like me to expand or improve any part of it.

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